Multiple marriages pre 1900
Greetings!! This situation has me a bit befuddled. I already knew my great grandfather George W Parker had married his third wife while still legally married to his second wife but now it appears he had married his second wife while still married to his first wife. I'll get to that in a minute but let me preface this by saying multiple marriages were not illegal pre 1900 as long as both spouses knew about each other and consented. There in lies the rub, I'm not sure any of them knew about the other. Definitely the third wife did not know about the second as she filed for divorce on those grounds. OK, so here is the story. First wife, Ruth, was my great grandmother. She died 30 May 1893 of influenza which turned into pneumonia. She died at her sister's house about 15 miles away from home. I often wondered why she was at her sister's and not home with her husband or in a hospital. But then thought perhaps she was at her sister...