
Showing posts from October, 2018

More questions than answers,,,,,,,

Greetings!! Once again I am back with more questions than answers on my great grandfather, George W Parker Sr.  It seems like he is throwing me curve balls from the grave, LOL. I have never been able to find him in an 1870 census.  I was pretty sure the reason he was not in the 1865 state census was he was just getting out of the army after the civil war.  That was expected, but the 1870 census was a mystery to me.   Recently I came across a newspaper clip about his marriage to my great grandmother Ruth A Hulse.  It stated, they were married January 30th 1870 at the home of her father Albert Hulse and all were living in Bethel, NY at the time of the marriage.  A-ha!!  I know where he was in 1870!! Well,,,,,,,  not quite.  Yes, he was there to get married, but he still was not listed in the census.  Ugh!!  So the marriage was January 30th.  The census for Bethel was enumerated in July, about 6 months after the marriage and lo and behold Ruth is listed as still livin

It's just a theory,,,,,,,

Greetings! As you might guess I am still digging.  However, with the DNA results and a ton of cross referencing with other matches I have come up with a theory as to the parentage of my great great grandfather, Benjamin B Parker.  I have mentioned in many past posts that he is my brick wall.  He still is but now I have a theory that I think is pretty solid.  I am still digging to try to either prove or disprove this theory and move on to the next one if need be. First, I have a friend, Richard, who is a descendant of a Charles M Parker.  We do not match in the DNA results, however we each have matches that match to both of us.  In other words,  person A matches to my DNA on the Parker line.  She is also a great great granddaughter of Benjamin.  But she also matches to Richard but with no names in common on their trees.  Her tree is minimal though as she has not gotten back very far on her research yet. Richard and I share an ancestor through the Schultz line and yet we do not mat