In 1995,,,,,,


In 1995 I took a train trip to Idaho to visit my Uncle Harvey's wife "Joey" and my cousins.  I had not seen them since I was a real little girl of about 4 years old.  Uncle Harvey had past about 11 years prior to my visit.  Because it was such a long time since I had seen them I was a bit nervous but excited as well.  It had been over 30 years, would I recognize them?

As the train pulled into the station I was watching out the window and sure enough, I did recognize my Aunt and my cousin Terry.  Aunt Joey had not changed one bit and Terry and I could almost be twins except he is a man and I am a woman.  I immediately felt more at ease when seeing them.  Familiar faces always help, LOL.

We had a great visit!  I was there for 2 weeks.  We talked about the family a bit.  Aunt Joey told me some stories about my grandmother I had not known and a few about my grandfather.  As we were sitting in the dining room one morning having coffee I looked over and saw a picture of a distinguished looking gentleman and wondered who he was.  There was something familiar about him.  I had never seen pictures of any of my grandparents on both sides of my family and here I was in my late 30s.

I asked Aunt Joey about the picture and she told me it was my grandfather.  I was amazed!!  So that is why there is something familiar about him!!

God bless my cousin Terry, he got out some family pictures and we went off to Kinkos to make copies!!  Although they were only copy machine type copies I was happy to have anything!

Over the years since this visit and the beginning of my genealogy trail I have been very blessed to receive other pictures of ancestors and am accumulating quite the collection.  I'll be sharing those from time to time.

Here is the picture of my grandfather,  Warren Harold Parker.  Grandpa died in 1922.  I am not sure when this was taken but given the way he is dressed I am guessing it might be from when he and grandma got married in 1899.  Also the age he appears to be would fit in that time line.

Until next time,,,,,


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